April 9, 2073- The Federal Alliance 24 of 10 Madhesi and ethnic party leaders met foreign diplomats 3 dozen talks to conclude the hearing of his movement, has said. Hotels in the capital on Thursday afternoon, the meeting of coalition leaders ryadisanma Madhesi movement on behalf of state violence, there was no constitution addressed disappointment. India, China, the United States, the European Land-of dissatisfaction in that coalition diplomat heading, was sentenced to today's demands. On behalf of the Federal Socialist Alliance MJF Chairman Upendra Yadav, TMLP Chairman Mahanta Thakur, non- indigenous national movement Om Gurung demanded sources told the meeting. "We have now the last stage, the movement even after his release kalabajariya, mahagilagayata topic maintain the information about the cabinet, 'Communist Party chairman Rajendra Mahato said," mountain bhukampapiditale the relief, and the rainy season may dough state, a hearing is not like the subject discussed. " Addressing the meeting, informed the foreign diplomat remarked last ghatanakramabara. They can resolve the problem through dialogue dalasaga big three, otherwise the situation will be the movement came to be held in a peaceful program said sources. Coalition talks between the leaders of the government to forge a solution 36 times did not complain. The leaders said they were not addressed asantustiharu stern warning that the government would be forced to go to the NC environment to meet demand Stating Forum told the Post that a leader. The meeting lasted about an hour cunthai Chinese Ambassador, p | m ansaka Ambassador yabhasa Carmona country except the second, the third-level representatives and officials were sent. Alliance leaders also decided to meet the ambassador said March 1 was 9 Sanothimi Giri meeting held front. The federal coalition 26-point concept to the public once again the movement is talking. The first phase of the program will be made public Tarai district headquarters focused on the party senior leader Naresh Yadav said. Coalition meeting on Thursday and Friday, 11 am tinakunesthita also called for the inhabitants of the Forum office, he said.

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